100 Top-Notch Quotes about Sales & Marketing

"The single most important in selling professional services is the ability to understand the purchasing process from the clients."

David Master (-) from: Managing the Professional Service Firm.

"You don't sell what it is - you sell what it does."

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"There is no business like KNOW business - KNOW your industry, company, product, service, customer, and competition better than anyone else."

Harry K. Jones (-) AchieveMax Inc.

"Marketing is not selling and selling is not convincing. The whole planned process activities from product/service identification to after sales service and satisfying customer/user is marketing. Selling through honest counseling is real selling."

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"Selling is finding the people to sell and selling the people you find."

Tom Hopkins (-) is an authority on the subject of selling. He is known as America's #1 sales trainer and developed many successful selling techniques from his own experiences in sales.

"Success does not come from managing inputs, it lies in delivering outputs, in our case cost reductions, service quality and safety performance."

Vince Graham (-) National Rail Corporation.

"I have found in the course of my career, that an awareness and study of people, history, political issues, and social and technological trends all lead to better understanding of the dynamics of the marketplace."

Regis McKenna (-) is best known for helping start several Silicon Valley firms during the 1970s and 1980s with his own marketing firm, Regis McKenna, Inc., founded in 1970. McKenna and his firm worked with a number of start-up companies during their formation years including America Online, Apple, Compaq, Electronic Arts, Genentech, Intel, Lotus Software, Microsoft, National Semiconductor, Silicon Graphics, 3COM, and others.

"At GCS, we are striving to deliver the best quality of services to customers and put the customer at the center of everything we do."

Florence Noblot (-) Senior VIP, Global Customer Solutions, DHL-Asia Pacific.

"Different customers buy different kinds of value."

Micheal Treacy and Fred Wiersema (-) from: The Discipline of Market Leaders.

"Customer service is either good or bad. There is no in-between."

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